Best Christmas Song? Round 2!
What’s the best Christmas song of all time? Vote in our head-to-head song matchups Sweet 16!
Round 1 ended with few surprises (“All I Want for Christmas is You” barely eked out a victory over “A Holly Jolly Christmas”), but no real upsets. Now we’re on to Round 2! To recap round 1, check it out here:
Also, here’s a recap of the judging/selection formulation:
These are head-to-head matchups. So select one of the two songs you like best to move on to the next round.
Because there are so many variations of the same song, I’m not going to specify which specific version of a song is best. Instead, we’ll vote on the song itself.
I’ll provide some links to each song in case you forgot (how could you forget?) what the song is, but don’t judge the song based on the version I linked.
Judge it based on your own personal set of criteria (lyrics, melody, feel, emotion, etc.).
You’ll have one day from publishing date to vote.
Like any tournament, the winner moves on to the next round. The author will be the deciding tiebreaker. Please DO voice your displeasure or pleasure in the comments!
Don’t see your favorite in the tournament? Let me know in the comments! Ready? Set. Merry voting!