Do you realize that today will be the only today that can ever exist for us? I think most of us know this intellectually, but if you’re like me we behave instinctually differently. We coach, teach and plan with the end always in mind, but rarely squeeze every ounce of today’s opportunity out of today for today’s sake.
The opportunities of today are so marvelous, it’s worth stating one more time: today is the last today ever (at least until one of my students creates a time machine). But for now, today is the only today we will ever get. Once today passes, there’s no returning to it.
That’s why before, during, and after our track and field workouts, I preach to our team that:
“Today is the only (month-day-year) you will ever get on this earth. You’re choosing to participate and train to be the best track and field athlete you can be. So why not take advantage of every warm-up activity, rep, and stretch as an opportunity to enjoy the competition, embrace the struggle, and improve yourself in the process?”
Now, I’m preaching this to myself. I wasn’t looking forward to this school year. Like many of you, I pour every ounce of effort into this profession, and these pandemic years have felt most challenging. The thought of doing it all over again this year was exhausting.
I’m sure some of you—or anyone finding themselves getting back into a grind—feels the same. The very idea of getting into a routine is enough to make you consider your life choices.
But the beauty of what we practice and preach in our program is that we don’t have to be the best today. We can make today the best by transforming every grueling “have to” moment into a “get to” opportunity if we change our perspectives. This mindset is the tried and true path to greatness. It starts with gratitude.
I look back on the not-too-distant pandemic with gratitude. The craziness and chaos of those school years will probably forever leave me scarred. However, it is during this time I learned to live this invaluable lesson of accounting for every opportunity to coach, teach, love, and make a living—to live.
Every day during that school year, before I left the coach's office for my classroom, me and our head soccer coach, Coach May, would encourage each other with a simple appeal: “Best day of 2020!” We had much to complain about, but the thought of wasting a day drowning in despair was simply a waste. Today is the best day of your life because it's the last day of its kind.
Coaches Tip:
Take a moment to write down one thing you’re really looking forward to doing today and one task you are not. Next, write down a way you can maximize both opportunities for the benefit of yourself and others.
Looking forward to - Getting my work out in.
Not looking forward to putting away the laundry.
Improving my health will help me to support my family with more energy and getting the laundry put away just makes us feel better by being organized.