Developing Grit and a Gameplan
Whether you’re already identifying your New Year’s resolutions or just need help with consistency, developing grit is the place to start.
One of the first intangible traits coaches evaluate is effort. I’d be lying if I said it’s the first and only characteristic assessed. Natural talent and skill (power, speed, quickness, strength) are usually the first traits that grab our attention. Intention, effort, and consistency are what we are truthfully looking for. We’ve seen too many talented athletes never reach their full potential because they didn’t possess the mastery of giving consistent effort.
As we come closer to the end of the year and it’s time to start thinking about those “fresh starts” and “new year's resolutions,” it’d be wise to examine our ambitions. Some roll their eyes at the thought that a new year can mean “new beginnings”. Besides, if you want to accomplish a goal, just do it! Regardless, we should examine a plan before we start (whenever that is).
Whether it’s financial, weight loss, healthier living, reading, writing, or school goals, the key is to surpass a “goal” per se and reach a consistent standard of living to make whatever we want to do a lifestyle. Consistency requires grit. And for this next stretch of weeks until the end of the year, I want to help us refine or develop grit.
I will be pulling much material from Angela Duckworth’s book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. I would highly recommend purchasing, downloading, or listening to this book along the way for each week as I will be referencing much of Duckworth’s research and ideas. I guess you can almost think of this as a book study! But even if you don’t purchase Duckworth’s book, there’s still much we can cover without it.
So as we prepare for the full sleight of holiday season madness, I hope this series can help us reevaluate our desires, evaluate our goals, and stick to a healthy plan.
One last thing: Have you fired up your Christmas music yet? Some hate it this early in the season. I love it. ‘Tis the season!